How to train OC Volume to work with your voice?

  1. Download from download page and extract to your JDK directory.
  2. Run using JDK
  3. After running you should see the following window:
  4. Click "File" from the menu, then click "New" to start training
  5. In the next screen type in the word you want to train then click "OK". For example: backward
  6. After you have entered the word to train, you should select a location to save the word configuration to. IMPORTANT: The file name should be the same as the word and the file extension should be ".vq"
  7. Once you have selected the location to save the configuration file to, you can start recording samples to train the recognition system. Click "record" once and say the word you want to train, then click "stop". Repeat the process until you have recorded 20 times (Note: The default number of samples is 20, but you can change this).